Shandong Conviction Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
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Shandong Shenxin Group was established in 2008. The company is full of vigor and vitality.
Strong corporate culture compatibility, the absorption of advanced concepts and fast integration of the company.

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Shandong Shenxin Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was established in July 2014 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. The company is a company that is full of vigor and vitality, strong corporate culture compatibility, and rapid absorption and integration of advanced concepts.

about us

Shandong Shenxin Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was established in July 2014 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. The company is a company that is full of vigor and vitality, strong corporate 

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address:Dingzhuang, Jiehe Town, Tengzhou City, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, Shandong Province, China
Mobile phone:13563223857
节 2018 Shandong is convinced of energy conservation and environmental protection technology Co., Ltd.Lu ICP No. 14021212 -1